He says he's a refugee sha. |
It seems that Nigeria is about to join the list of African Nations on abolishing Gay rights.
I used the word, 'about to' because while the Lawmakers may have passed the bill, our president, brother Jonathan is yet to approve it to become law.
This bill has been in the works since 2006.
when that finally happens, the crackdown on Homosexuals will be tough, I suggest you relocate if you are in Nigeria, because lets face it, nobody will understand 'you were born that way' here or that you have excess of that hormone or whatever it is that makes you so.
Well this is what the Law Makers had to say :
"Persons who enter into a same-sex marriage
contract, or civil union commit an offence and are each liable on
conviction to a term of 14 years in prison," the bill says.
person who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies
and organisations or directly or indirectly makes public show of
same-sex amorous relationship in Nigeria commits an offence and shall
each be liable on conviction to a term of 10 years in prison."
so ermmm this means all you 'besties of life' that be kissy kissy and huggy huggy, Prison awaits you.
AfroCandy, there goes your dream of appearing in a gay movie in Nigeria.
meanwhile when is the Petroleum Industry Bill going to be passed and put into Law?