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Sunday, 2 June 2013

Vamp up your hairdo Ladies...Vol. 2

Hi Ladies, ( and thoughtful guys),

Sorry this is coming later than I promised to post, the good part is, here it is.

I hope you like these too, and try out something from here, have fun.
see more pictures after the cut.

1. Updo : Updo hairstyles will always give you a classy look for  the event. Flaunt your beautiful neck and decolletage

short elegant updo

show off your beautiful neck
Add a little bit of corn rows to seal the deal.
Elegant updo always so fashionable.
 2. Short Hair : The best part about short hair, it always makes you look younger, lose some years and add some freshness with these simple short hair styles.

short blond or with blond tone, really cute
well trimmed and neat.
short and edgy

3. Natural: while Natural Hair is so difficulty to care for, you can also tweak it into something really fun , or nice for the office, don't just let it look unattractive and tired, do something nice like these hairstyles, lots of great hair do for natural hair.

Have fun ladies.
nice for work place.
time to party!
great for the office
next week


  1. Was expecting to see a pic of a hairdo of u

  2. This is nice, keep up the good work.

  3. nice me likey

  4. Make sense.. Its rili gud stuff
